Elec-Con technology GmbH
Entwickler fertigen für Entwickler
Elec-Con technology GmbH

Developers produce for developers

all about automation Straubing 2024

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Entwickler fertigen für Entwickler
Elec-Con technology GmbH

Developers produce for developers



Developers produce for developers

Elec-Con delivers hands-on development results

Elec-Con technology GmbH from Passau is a development house for customer-specific power electronics. Constantly faced with long delivery times for samples, the company has set up a professional production facility for engineering and small series, which is subject to UL monitoring. If required, the Passau-based company can also support development tasks relating to microcontrollers and inductive components, or take over the serialization of assemblies or obsolescence management for them. The offer is supplemented by its own pre-compliance EMC laboratory.
For the production of prototypes, speed alone is not a decisive criterion – flexibility and short set-up times are much more important. The backbone of assembly at Elec-Con is therefore a reliable and proven Samsung SMD machine, recently supplemented by an Expert-II with microplacer. The smallest component that the Passau-based company currently processes with it is a 0.8 x 0.8 mm power MOSFET in a ‘micro-foot’ BGA housing. The combination of the fast, fully automatic machine with the highly flexible hand manipulator results in tangible advantages for customers: Even ultra-modern or complex components can be assembled at short notice.
In contrast to a pure manufacturing service provider, Elec-Con has its own product portfolio with analog and digitally controlled DC/DC converters up to 250 W. Accordingly, the warehouse of SMD and THT components is always well stocked in order to be able to supply customers as quickly as possible, even in times of allocation.
In the UL-monitored production, an EKRA semi-automatic machine handles the paste printing. Soldering is carried out lead-free or leaded, depending on the customer’s requirements. In addition to an ATF double wave, several IBR vapor phases are available for this purpose. The final test is carried out either visually with semi-automatic optical support or by EOL function test, for example in the in-house high-voltage test field.


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