STV Electronic GmbH

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The Smart Manager 4.0 and Smart Manager pro from STV-Electronic is a small industrial computer that makes it easy for you to implement complex tasks in control technology or building automation. Thanks to its wide voltage input from 12 V to 30 V, it can be easily integrated into many applications.

The Broadcom® processor of the Raspberry Compute Module CM3+ offers computing power for complex tasks with its four cores and 1.2 GHz clock frequency. With 1 GB RAM and 8 or 32 GB Flash on board, there is enough storage space available. Alternatively, the SmartManager 4.0 is available as a variant with an SD slot.

Up to two Ethernet, 6 USB 2.0 and two terminable RS485 connections offer all options for data communication. In addition, the Smart Manager 4.0 has an expansion bus that offers options for WLAN, MBus or external I/Os.

You are free to choose when programming the Smart Manager. Program with CoDeSys, NodeRed, Node.js, C, C++ … and benefit from the huge community of Raspberry users. There is a solution for almost every problem here. Or install FHEM, openHAB or Mosquitto to communicate with your peripherals.

What’s new with the Smart Manager pro is the integrated display and the capacitive touch surface, which makes it easy to operate. By default, the Smart Manager pro has a prepared menu that allows easy access to e.g. the IP configuration of the interfaces. But of course both the display and the touch surface can be freely programmed.



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